Burying Caesar by Graham Stewart. What were the political machinations that kept Neville Chamberlain in office during the 1930s and deliberately kept Winston Churchill out? Was Churchill the prophet of uncomfortable truths during his “wilderness years,” or was Chamberlain right to pursue appeasement? These are just some of the questions Stewart answers in his internationally praised debut book.
Churchill and Chamberlain were two giants of the political stage who were the sons of men who had decisively shaped the politics of the previous era. Burying Caesar charts the course plotted by Churchill and Chamberlain in their ambition to win the greatest prize in British politics, which had eluded both their fathers.
Stewart examines the restrictions which party conformity places upon ambitious politicians and describes vividly the fate that befalls those who step outside its limits. He analyses how best dissidents can alter their own Government’s policy – whether they should do so privately from within the Cabinet or in open rebellion on the backbenches – provides fresh insights into how those in Government induce critics in their own party to stay silent, and identifies those responsible for the concerted campaign to silence Churchill.
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Edwin M. Yoder, Washington Post –
This book would be an impressive accomplishment at any age. Coming as it does from the precocious hand of such a young man, it may well herald the birth of a star.
Andrew Rawnsley, The Observer –
Vividly and expertly told … Graham Stewart tells this complex and gripping saga with great style in a first book of high class.
John Campbell, Sunday Telegraph –
Stewart writes exceptionally well, with confidence, authority and verve. This is a notable debut by a highly promising historian.
Anthony Howard, Sunday Times –
[Stewart] writes with tremendous brio and panache … We shall be lucky to see a better balanced or
more exciting study of modern British politics this side of the millennium
Michael Portillo, Literary Review –
[Stewart] writes history that grips the reader with its pace and depiction of emotions
Robert Blake, New Statesman –
The contest between Churchill and Chamberlain for the leadership of their party and the prize of the premiership is a fascinating political story. It is well told, admirably written and deeply researched.
Paul Addison, Times Literary Supplement –
Combining years of patient scholarship with imaginative insight and literary flair, Burying Caesar is a most impressive debut.
John Grigg, The Times –
The author is such a good historian that he avoids hagiography and demonology, without being boring. It is achievement to have written a fascinating, lively account of British politics in the 1930s which is, on balance, favourable to Churchill – in ways that are sometimes unfamiliar – while bringing out all of Chamberlain’s strengths, as well as his weaknesses.
Robert Silver, The Independent –
Graham Stewart writes with skill, ingenuity and drive.
Martin Sieff, Washington Times –
Mr Stewart has catapulted himself at one leap into the front rank of modern British historians.